CIRComplete Beneficial Effects:

• Cleaner Blood
• Fibrin Defense
• Joint Support
• Less Pain
• Healing Support
• Circulation Support

Achieve Healthy Circulation
with Normal Blood Viscosity

CIRComplete is a scientifically created blend of systemic enzymes with antioxidants specifically formulated to support healthy circulatory and immune function.*

The CIRComplete enzyme blend is vegetarian and has been tested to be more than 500% more fibrinolytic than the leading animal-based enzyme formulation.† These systemic enzymes are similar to digestive enzymes, but are primarily used throughout the bloodstream as opposed to the gastrointestinal tract.

CIRComplete supports healthy levels of EBP’s (Endogenous Blood Particles).* EBP’s are made up of decayed cells, fibrin, fatty proteins, and other unwanted materials that normally build up in the blood.*

The systemic enzymes that are found in CIRComplete support the natural purification of EBP’s. These systemic enzymes also assist in maintaining healthy liver function and healthy inflammatory levels.

Maintaining proper levels of EBP’s is also beneficial for maintaining optimal immune and circulatory function.* CIRComplete contains a proven potency that can be utilized by consumers and healthcare professionals alike. CIRComplete contains enzymes that are significantly different from typical systemic enzymes derived animal sources. The enzymes in CIRComplete are a combination of vegetarian and selectively potent microbial strains. These ingredients are extremely effective and are well tolerated in the body.

Clinical research performed on CIRComplete and other recent medical breakthroughs have led to the application of systemic enzymes to support the digestion of debris from the cardiovascular system.* These systemic enzymes support a reduced level of EBP’s. Healthy, reduced-EBP blood helps to sustain normal blood clotting factors.

Systemic enzymes also support a healthy immune system and may support the repair damaged tissues, and they can require smaller doses over time to maintain their efficacy.* Systemic enzymes can support healthy inflammatory responses and their relation to joint discomfort and stiffness.*

Anyone over 40 can greatly benefit from this product. CIRComplete is a combination of enzymes that helps break down toxins in the cardiovascular system. Removing toxins from the blood will reduce the likelihood of abnormal clotting while improving circulation. Anytime you can improve circulation you will help alleviate inflammation. CIRComplete is commonly used to break down fibrin.

Not all enzyme blends are created equal. There are a handful of enzyme formulations that actually work. The formulators of CIRComplete have created some of the best enzyme products available. Enzyme potency is measured by activity levels. When enzymes are added to liquid they become active. Simply adding more milligrams (mg) of enzymes does not necessarily make the product stronger. Activity levels are measured by “FUs” or fibrinolytic units. With most enzyme blends, typical serving size is one to two capsules, providing an average of 1,000 to 2,000 FUs. CIRComplete provides 15,000 FUs per serving, yielding 133 percent higher activity levels. When choosing an enzyme look carefully for FUs rather than simply mg per serving.

†Based on 3rd party fibrinolytic assay testing. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any pharmaceutical product without first consulting your prescribing physician. Resale of CIRComplete without written permission is strictly prohibited.